Are You Ready?

But unless you are extremely Type-A, your business is not going to be created by checking off a cleanly organized to-do list while hanging on some theoretical guru’s every word.

Your experience probably feels a lot more organic. You think of an idea, and it rattles around in your head for days, months, or even years before you finally decide to pull the trigger and get started.

For people like us, businesses are born out of passion and love.

And that is why I’ve created the Midwife of Magic Experience, to help you transform your deepest desires and most hopeful dreams into something tangible and real.

Are you ready to birth your

business out into the world?

Nowadays, everyone is trying to sell you long-term, multi-month coaching packages when you are just trying to get a little help starting your dream business.

But unless you are extremely Type-A, your business is not going to be created by checking off a cleanly organized to-do list while hanging on some theoretical guru’s every word.

Your experience probably feels a lot more organic. You think of an idea, and it rattles around in your head for days, months, or even years before you finally decide to pull the trigger and get started.

For people like us, businesses are born out of passion and love.

And that is why I’ve created the Midwife of Magic Experience, to help you transform your deepest desires and most hopeful dreams into something tangible and real.

If you’re on this page, you have a dream becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business. I’m so excited for you, and would love to help!

But first, let me put one thing out on the table:

I’m not looking to help people who want to build soulless, plain-Jane, run-of-the-mill businesses. You know the kind: the “just do this thing you don’t care about for 30 years and you’ll die rich!” kind of businesses. The kind of businesses that turn into just another terrible job, but you can’t even complain about the boss because now YOU are the boss.

Yawn. Boring. Nobody's got time for that.

Now what does get my little heart a-flutter are the kinds of businesses that keep you up at night. That you think about 24/7. That scare you a little but give you butterflies at the same time.

I want to help you create a businesses that is actually a piece of art. Something fully expressive of who you are, what you love, and what you envision for the world.